James-Lange Theory

  1. the emotions are essentially physical in nature, and bodily changes come before, and cause, emotional changes. 

Let’s do a quick thought experiment!

- Imagine you are about to sit an exam and you are feeling very nervous. Your mouth is dry, you have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, the palms of your hands are sweaty, and you want to go to the washroom.

- Now remove each of these physical symptoms one by one. What is left of your exam nerves?

  • When all the physical symptoms of nervousness were removed, the nervousness disappeared itself.
  • In conclusion, if you remove the physical symptoms the corresponding emotion disappears. 
  • If you mimic the appropriate physical symptoms you can generate the corresponding emotion. 

E.g. if you smile, you will feel happy; if you scowl you will feel angry.
Empathy: When talking to someone who is feeling depressed, you unconsciously mimic some of the physical expressions of his mood.

Criticism to James-Lange theory

- It ignores the fact that emotions have both a mental and a physical aspect—our beliefs can affect the emotion. 
- The role of beliefs differs human emotions from the emotions of other animals. 
- What is your response to the emotion being conveyed in The Scream?
- What if the human figure was replaced by a dog in the same pose?


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