- On this day,Dr. Tan continue the chapter of the third principle in aesthetic principles about the preference-for-prototypes theory.According to this theory we prefer the most typical examples of a category, the ones that are often also very familiar and we have been exposed to repeatedly.
- Such a preference for familiar things is adaptive since it will lead to safe choices instead of risking the unknown.Next is the attractiveness of novelty.People have always been attracted by new, unfamiliar, and original things, partly to overcome boredom and saturation effects. It has been argued that such a preference for novel instances is also an adaptive trait, especially for children, in that novelty facilitates learning.
- Other than that,is MAYA principles.It's aim to increase the novelty of a design while preservings its typicality.It tend to prefer products with an optimal combination of both aspects
- .For example,mobile phones,computers,the popularity of remixes of old songs.The last principle is congruence or appropriateness.Most likely, congruency not only holds for the internal consistency of the various sensory impressions, each also has to be appropriate for the particular product.
- This type of appropriateness can be found in the famous dictum ‘form follows function’ that could now easily be transformed to the other senses in ‘sound/touch/smell follows function’. It is important to stress in this respect that this function is not restricted to a utilitarian one.
- The function of a product can very well be experiential, like to enjoy, to enrich, to inspire, to strengthen one’s identity, etcetera, and many believe such experiences are nowadays more decisive in people’s buying behaviour than the primary or utilitarian function as such. Making all the sensory messages congruent with the intended, overall experience is therefore an important task for designers.
- Nevertheless, in some cases the designer may wish to accomplish an experience of surprise, for example to increase interest or prolong the attention value of a product. In those cases, establishing incongruity between sensory messages, for example between the visual and tactual domain, could be an effective strategy.
How would you relate the principles of pleasure in your game?
Interpreted the use of five sensory organs of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. These sensory organs are the windows to the world around. Allow to experience both the pleasures and the pains that life has to offer.
How would you relate the principles of pleasure in your animation?
Breath life into character performance and make it appealing and believable or make some analogies.
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