
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Value of Designer

 The values of designer is know the meaning of designer.  Every new designer know how to be good designer because the things must be created high level of innovation. Every designer must know how responsibility and the manisfestation of designer.  The criteria and the quality of designer also must have to improve.  Designer is aiming to outcome the functional of things or item that being created.  The designer use creativity thinking effectivity and use knowledge that have and use they skill very high spesific.  The designer responsibility to create new things for new market example at car. The left one is the old of Proton Saga and the right is the new of Proton Saga


Alexander Baumgarten (1735) introduced the terms 'aesthetics'. Aesthetics relate to word perceive (perception), feel (emotion), sense  WHAT DOES AESTHETICS STUDY ? Beauty The philosophy and theories of arts The science of aesthetical relationships THE ESSENCE OF BEAUTY Harmony of form (Classicism) The attribute of God (Neo-platonism) Perfection (Rationalism) Happy (Empiricism) The sense revelation of ideas (German Classical Aesthetics) 3 SOURCE OF ARGUMENTS Subjective Objective Metaphysic

Reflection of Week 4

The Importance of Visceral Level Emotion in Daily Living How to learn a new language in very short time? Singing  Singapore National Anthem  Di Ma Si Tonari no totoro Watching movies Steven Chow’s movie Wong Zi Wa Talk Show Living in a novel environment Buta huruf belajar English Falling in love


Design Etymology can be described as a plan or drawing to produce the look and function of working of a building , garment or other object before it is made . There is 4 dimension design in design etymology : - Design Aesthetics -Functional -Economical -Socio Political Other than that , we also learn about the decorative pattern . A decorative patttern is a purpose or planning that exist behind an action fact or a subject .


Aesthetic Evaluation Form of an Applied Art in Tanjong Malim Dimension of design Above average / 4 or 5 Average / 3 Below average / 1 or 2 Aesthetics Functional Economical Social-political Type Creativity: Technology Creativity Culture Creativity 1.  What kinds of technological knowledge were used to design this product? 1. What kinds of senses were used to design this product? 2.  How the knowledge was used creatively for inventing the product? 2. How senses were used creatively for making new styles? 3.  How does the creativity lead to the advancement of the product? (refer to nine windows) 3. How does the creativity lead to the satisfaction of senses? Creativity Above average / 4 or 5 Average / 3 Below average / 1 or 2 Aesthetics Practicality / functionality Novelty Quantity *Speed *Optional Emotional Design Above average / 4 or...


The Bauhaus Dessau  the Bauhaus Dessau that the structure of the building. The Buhaus originated in Weimer in 1919 as a new type of design school. In 1924, when further work in Weimer became impossible, the Buhaus offered itself up to other towns. That Dessau, an aspiring industrial city in city in central Germany. The principle of design  unity in variety is a principle that aesthetic value or beauty in art depends on fussion of various elements into an organic whole which produces a single impression. The most sophisticated and acceptable. Corresponding with the design such as colour.   1   1. Maximum effect for minimum means. -            We like to invest a minimal amount of means, e.g. effort, resources, brain capacity, to obtain the highest possible effect in terms of survival, reproduction, learning or exploring. -            A ...


On this day,Dr. Tan continue the chapter of the third principle in aesthetic principles about the preference-for-prototypes theory.According to this theory we prefer the most typical examples of a category, the ones that are often also very familiar and we have been exposed to repeatedly.  Such a preference for familiar things is adaptive since it will lead to safe choices instead of risking the unknown.Next is the attractiveness of novelty.People have always been attracted by new, unfamiliar, and original things, partly to overcome boredom and saturation effects. It has been argued that such a preference for novel instances is also an adaptive trait, especially for children, in that novelty facilitates learning. Other than that,is MAYA principles.It's aim to increase the novelty of a design while preservings its typicality.It tend to prefer products with an optimal combination of both aspects .For example,mobile phones,computers,the popularity of remixes of old songs.The last...

Social emotions

Ambition, contempt, embarrassment, envy, gratitude, guilt, indignation, jealousy, pride, shame and sympathy. Due to our intelligence and imagination, we can anticipate and picture more distant dangers.  - E.g. final exams, Armageddon - In theory, a change in our beliefs can lead to a change in the corresponding emotion. - 杯弓蛇影( The visual of snake in a cup) Passion – the emotional energy Emotions provide us with the energy to engage in intellectual and creative activity.  Linking a subject versus being good at it, revisiting  the affective domain in surface—deep learning matrix                                                         Tan, Johnston-Wilder & Neill, 2011  How would you evaluate aesthetics?   aesthetics has to do with the deliberate arrangements of elements shape , color and typ...

James-Lange Theory

the emotions are essentially physical in nature, and bodily changes come before, and cause, emotional changes.  Let’s do a quick thought experiment! - Imagine you are about to sit an exam and you are feeling very nervous. Your mouth is dry, you have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, the palms of your hands are sweaty, and you want to go to the washroom. - Now remove each of these physical symptoms one by one. What is left of your exam nerves? When all the physical symptoms of nervousness were removed, the nervousness disappeared itself. In conclusion, if you remove the physical symptoms the corresponding emotion disappears.  If you mimic the appropriate physical symptoms you can generate the corresponding emotion.  E.g. if you smile, you will feel happy; if you scowl you will feel angry. Empathy: When talking to someone who is feeling depressed, you unconsciously mimic some of the physical expressions of his mood. Criticism to James-Lan...


An ethical theory which regards ethical and value judgements as expressions of feeling or attitude and prescriptions of action, rather than assertions or reports of anything. (OED) Moral judgments do not function as statements of fact but rather as expressions of the speaker’s or writer’s feelings. (EB) According to the emotivist, when we say “You acted wrongly in stealing that money,” we are not expressing any fact beyond that stated by “You stole that money.”  It is, however, as if we had stated this fact with a special tone of abhorrence, for in saying that something is wrong, we are expressing our feelings of disapproval toward it. But, what is emotion? From epistemological perspective, the emotions are treated as one of the four ways of knowing, together with language, reason and perception.  Six primary emotions that are common to all cultures: Happiness Sadness Fear Anger Surprise Disgust  😉😇😝😙😚😑😕😌😍😎😱😨😦😙😚😐😑😓😕😗😘😡...


wake up so early on weekend for assignment. thats normal for student as well .huhu saya bersama ahli kumpulan diberikan tugasan untuk mencari produk bentuk star berwarna silver di kawasan pekan tanjung selepas membuat cabutan "bertuah" dengan penyarah kami. kami memulakan pencarian terlalu awal menyebabkan tidak banyak kedai buka pada waktu tersebut. kami bersarapan terlebih dahulu kemudian baru memulakan pencarian. alhamdullilah..kumpulan kami berjaya mendapat produk yang dicari. we are so happy and had so much fun by doing this assignment.


We are enjoy watching the traditional dances of Malaysia is very unique and harmonious. Among the dances that we saw is..  Malay Mak Yong Originating from Patani in Southern Thailand, Mak Yong was conceived to entertain female royalty, queens and princesses, when their men were away at war. Combining romantic drama, dance and operatic singing, tales of the golden age of the Malay kingdoms are dramatised in enchanting performances.  Kuda Kepang Kuda Kepang is a traditional dance brought to the state of Johor by Javanese immigrants. Dramatising the tales of victorious Islamic holy wars, dancers sit astride mock horses moving to the hypnotic beats of a percussion ensemble usually consisting of drums, gongs and angklungs.  Zapin Islamic influence on Malaysian traditional dance is perhaps most evident in Zapin, a popular dance in the state of Johor. Introduced by Muslim missionaries from the Middle East, the original dance was performed to Islamic devotional c...

Aesthetic Evaluation

What is assessment? -The action of assessing someone or something. -Assess: evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of someone or something. Calculate or estimate the price or value of someone or something. Set the value of tax, fine, etc. for (a person or property) at a specified level.   Aesthetic assessment - Bringing educational assessment methods into aesthetic evaluation: Criterion-referenced assessment Norm-referenced assessment Ipsative assessment Criterion-referenced assessment - Criterion (plural criteria): a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided. - Criterion-referenced assessment:  The assessment that examines whether or not one performed well or poorly on a given task.  E.g. by the end of the lesson, students should be able to define “criterion” in the context of design aesthetics using less than ten words.  Norm-referenced assessment - The assessment that compare...