
Showing posts from March, 2017

Understanding Aesthetics and Beauty

What is aesthetics? From the design-centric perspective, aesthetics is one of the dimensions of design. Aesthetics is a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty (Oxford Dictionary). The branch of philosophy which deals with questions of beauty and artistic taste. What is beauty? A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form , that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. A combination of qualities that pleases the intellect. Denoting something intended to make someone more attractive.  a beautiful or pleasing thing or person, in particular: A beautiful woman An excellent example of something The pleasing or attractive features of (something) The best aspect or advantage of something Middle English: from Old French beaute, based on Latin bellus 'beautiful, fine Description of beauty Aesthetic object Beauty is the integration of subjective sense, emotion and objective object. ...

"How to Measure Creativity"

March 2011, Tony Buzan visited UPSI   - Tony is a guru in Mind Mapping  - BSM invited him to deliver a talk on creativity in teaching and learning  - His fee was Rm7500 per hour, and he limeted the number of participants to max 200 per                      sesion. Dr. Tan gave a talk about addiction in game playing  - Location : KDU UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - Fee : RM500 What is Creativity  A concept is formed by combining various attributes. A concept will demonstrate various characteristics to delineate it from other concepts. Being innovative means transforming something to become better. Being creative means creating something out of nothing. The capability and knowledge of being creative Formula of being creative (R=PC X PK X (1 + M) (1 + T) ) 2. How to measure Creativity. new, novel, original, different from existing ideal / product practical, ...